Arizona Window Tinting Laws

Darkest legal tint for Sedans in Arizona

  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint allowed on the top 5 inches.
  • Front Side windows: Must allow more than 33% of light in.
  • Back Side windows: You have more freedom, go as dark as you like.
  • Rear window: You have more freedom, go as dark as you like.

Darkest legal tint for SUV and Vans in Arizona

  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint allowed on the top 5 inches.
  • Front Side windows: Must allow more than 33% of light in.
  • Back Side windows: You have more freedom, go as dark as you like.
  • Rear window: You have more freedom, go as dark as you like.

Arizona Window Tinting Laws

Arizona Window Tinting Laws

Arizona allows window tinting on your car, but there are specific rules you should know to stay on the right side of the law. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Tint Darkness: The front side windows (driver and passenger) must allow at least 33% of light to pass through. In simpler terms, your tint can’t be too dark, allowing a good amount of natural light in.
  2. Windshield: Arizona law allows non-reflective tint on the top five inches of the windshield.
  3. Front Windshield Reflectivity: Tint on the front windshield can’t be too reflective; it should not be more than 35% reflective.
  4. Back and Rear Windows: You have more flexibility here. Tint on the rear window and rear side windows can be as dark as you like.
  5. Medical Exemptions: If you have a medical condition that requires special tinting, you can apply for an exemption.
  6. Tint Certification: Manufacturers of window tint film must certify the film they sell in Arizona. So, make sure your tint meets the state’s standards.
  7. Police Discretion: Keep in mind that law enforcement officers may use their discretion when enforcing these laws. If they believe your window tint is too dark, you might be pulled over.

Remember, these laws are in place to ensure safety, both for you and for law enforcement. Dark tinting can make it difficult for officers to see inside your vehicle, which can pose a safety risk. So, it’s a good idea to stay within these guidelines.

If you’re unsure about your window tint’s legality, you can always consult the Arizona Department of Transportation or local law enforcement for clarification.

So, there you have it—Arizona’s window tinting laws in a nutshell. Just keep it light on the front windows, and you’ll be cruising legally in the Grand Canyon State.

Medical Exemptions for Arizona Tint Laws

Medical Exemptions for Arizona Window Tint Rules

If you’re in Arizona and have a medical condition that requires special window tinting, there’s good news. You can get an exemption from the standard window tint rules. This exemption allows you to have darker tint on your windows, ensuring you get the necessary protection your medical condition demands.

To secure this exemption, you’ll need to follow the process laid out by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). This typically involves providing medical documentation that supports your request. So, if you have a valid medical need for darker window tint, Arizona has a solution that keeps you both safe and comfortable.

Window Film Certificates and Stickers in Arizona

In Arizona, when you’re getting window tint for your vehicle, you’ll often come across the terms “window film certificates” and “stickers.” These aren’t just fancy paperwork; they’re essential for staying on the right side of the law.

Here’s the deal:

  1. Window Film Certificates: These are documents that prove your window tint complies with Arizona’s regulations. Manufacturers of tinting film are required to certify that their product meets the state’s standards. So, when you’re shopping for tint, make sure it comes with a valid certificate. It’s like a seal of approval.
  2. Stickers: Once you’ve installed your window tint, you’ll receive a sticker. This sticker should be placed between the film and the glass, usually in the corner of the window. It indicates that your tint is compliant with Arizona law. Law enforcement officers can easily spot these stickers during checks, so it’s vital to have them in place.

These certificates and stickers are there to make sure your tint is legal and that you’re not cruising around with overly dark windows that could pose safety concerns.

Remember, window tinting laws can vary by state, so always check for the specific requirements in Arizona to ensure you’re driving legally and safely.

Penalties or Ticket Cost for Illegal Window Tint in Arizona

Ticket Cost for Illegal Window Tint in Arizona

Breaking the window tinting rules in Arizona can lead to penalties. If your vehicle’s window tint doesn’t comply with the state’s regulations, you might face a fine. While the exact ticket cost can vary depending on the circumstances and the discretion of the law enforcement officer, it’s typically in the range of $100 to $250 or more.

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However, the cost of the ticket is not the only concern. You may also be required to remove the illegal tint and replace it with one that meets the legal standards. This means additional expenses for tint removal and replacement.

So, it’s not just about the fine; it’s also about the inconvenience and extra costs that come with it. To avoid this, make sure your window tint adheres to Arizona’s guidelines to stay both safe and legal on the road.


In Arizona, window tinting laws are crystal clear: front side windows should allow at least 33% of light, with non-reflective tint on the top 5 inches of the windshield. Back and rear windows give you more freedom. Medical exemptions are available, and make sure your tint comes with a certificate. Violating these rules can lead to fines and the cost of replacing illegal tint. Stay compliant, stay safe.

Info About the State of Arizona: Small State, Big Character

Arizona, often called the Grand Canyon State, is a land of natural wonders and vibrant culture. Located in the southwestern United States, it’s renowned for its stunning landscapes, including the iconic Grand Canyon, a breathtaking wonder of the world.

Geography and Climate: Arizona’s geography is incredibly diverse, encompassing deserts, mountains, and forests. The Sonoran Desert dominates the southern part of the state, known for its saguaro cacti and extreme temperatures. In contrast, the northern region features cooler temperatures and pine forests.

Capital and Major Cities: Phoenix, the state’s capital, is one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation. Other significant cities include Tucson, known for its rich history, and Flagstaff, a gateway to the Grand Canyon.

Culture and History: Arizona boasts a rich Native American heritage, with numerous tribes residing within the state. Its history is intertwined with the Old West, with legends like Wyatt Earp and the shootout at the O.K. Corral calling it home.

Economy: The state’s economy is diverse, with sectors like aerospace, technology, tourism, and agriculture playing pivotal roles. Phoenix is a major tech hub, and tourism thrives thanks to the Grand Canyon and other natural attractions.

Outdoor Activities: Arizona is an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise. Hiking, rock climbing, and camping opportunities abound. The state also offers world-class golf courses and excellent opportunities for bird watching.

Cuisine: Southwestern cuisine takes center stage in Arizona, featuring dishes like chimichangas, tacos, and Sonoran hot dogs. The Mexican influence is strong, making it a haven for food lovers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the darkest legal tint in Arizona?

The darkest legal tint in Arizona varies: front side windows must allow over 33% of light, while rear windows can be as dark as you prefer. Stay within these limits to ensure you’re compliant with Arizona’s window tinting laws.

Is it legal to tint your windows in Arizona?

Yes, it’s legal to tint your windows in Arizona, but there are rules to follow. Front side windows must allow over 33% of light, and there are regulations for windshield and rear windows. Complying with these rules ensures your tint is legal.

Is 5% tint illegal in Arizona?

Yes, 5% tint is generally illegal for front side windows in Arizona. The law mandates allowing over 33% of light through these windows. However, it’s essential to check local regulations, as enforcement may vary.

Do cops care about window tint in Arizona?

Yes, law enforcement in Arizona does care about window tint. They use it as a basis for traffic stops, especially if it appears too dark. Following the state’s tinting laws can help you avoid potential issues.

Is 15% tint legal in Arizona?

No, 15% tint is generally illegal for front side windows in Arizona. The law mandates allowing more than 33% of light through these windows. However, regulations may vary, so it’s wise to check local enforcement and adhere to state guidelines.

Is headlight tint legal in Arizona?

No, headlight tint is generally not legal in Arizona. State law requires headlights to emit white or amber light. Tinting them can reduce visibility and pose safety hazards. Always check local regulations and ensure your headlights meet safety standards.

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