Minnesota Window Tinting Laws

  • Windshield: No tint is allowed on the windshield.
  • Front Side windows: Must allow more than 50% of light in.
  • Back Side windows: Must allow more than 50% of light in.
  • Rear window: Must allow more than 50% of light in.
  • Windshield: No tint is allowed on the windshield.
  • Front Side windows: Must allow more than 50% of light in.
  • Back Side windows: Any darkness can be used.
  • Rear window: Any darkness can be used.

Minnesota Tinting Regulations

Alabama Tinting Regulations

Minnesota, known for its beautiful lakes and cold winters, also has specific regulations when it comes to window tinting for vehicles. Whether you’re a resident or just passing through, understanding these laws can save you from potential fines and ensure your vehicle is compliant. Let’s dive deep into the Minnesota Window Tinting Laws.

Why Window Tinting Laws?

Before we delve into the specifics, it’s essential to understand why these laws exist. The primary reason is safety. Tinted windows can obstruct the driver’s view, making it difficult to see pedestrians, bicyclists, or other vehicles, especially during the low-light conditions of Minnesota’s long winters. Additionally, law enforcement officers need to see inside vehicles during traffic stops for their safety.

Tinting Laws for Sedans in Minnesota

  • Windshield: Minnesota is quite strict when it comes to the windshield. No tint is allowed, ensuring maximum visibility for drivers.
  • Front Side windows: These windows must allow more than 50% of light in. This means that they can be tinted but only to a certain extent.
  • Back Side windows: Just like the front side windows, they must also allow more than 50% of light to pass through.
  • Rear window: The rear window follows the same rule as the side windows, requiring more than 50% light allowance.

Tinting Laws for SUVs and Vans in Minnesota

  • Windshield: As with sedans, no tint is allowed on the windshield of SUVs and vans.
  • Front Side windows: These should allow more than 50% of light in, ensuring drivers have clear visibility to their sides.
  • Back Side windows: Here’s where SUVs and vans get a bit of leeway. They can have any darkness of tint for the back side windows.
  • Rear window: Similarly, any darkness can be used for the rear window, giving privacy to passengers and cargo.

Exceptions and Additional Rules

Minnesota does offer some exceptions to these rules:

  1. Medical Exemptions: If you have a medical condition that necessitates darker tint, such as certain skin conditions or light sensitivity, you can apply for an exemption. However, you’ll need documentation from a doctor.[Read More]
  2. Color Variance: Unlike many states, Minnesota allows all colors of window tint. Whether you prefer amber, yellow, silver, or gold, you’re in the clear.
  3. Stickers: While manufacturers and vendors aren’t required to certify the tint they offer, a visible sticker between the window film and glass on the driver’s side front window is necessary. This sticker should clearly display the type of tint used and its compliance with Minnesota laws.[Read More]

Medical Exemptions for Minnesota Tint Laws

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand the rationale behind these exemptions. While window tinting laws aim to ensure safety on the roads, the state also acknowledges that certain medical conditions can make individuals more sensitive to light. For these individuals, darker window tints can be more than just a preference; they can be a necessity.

Who Qualifies for a Medical Exemption?

Several medical conditions can make an individual eligible for a window tinting exemption in Minnesota:

  1. Photosensitivity: Individuals with conditions that make them exceptionally sensitive to light, leading to migraines, severe headaches, or other symptoms, may qualify.
  2. Skin Conditions: Some skin conditions, such as lupus or certain types of albinism, can make individuals more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV rays. In such cases, darker tints can offer added protection.
  3. Eye Conditions: Diseases like glaucoma or macular degeneration can make the eyes more sensitive to light. Darker tints can help reduce glare and make driving more comfortable for individuals with these conditions.

How to Apply for a Medical Exemption

If you believe you qualify for a medical exemption based on the conditions mentioned above, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Medical Documentation: Visit your doctor or specialist and discuss your need for darker window tints. If they agree, they will provide you with documentation stating your condition and the necessity for the exemption.
  2. Submit the Documentation: Once you have the necessary medical documents, you’ll need to submit them to the appropriate state department for review.
  3. Await Approval: After submitting your documents, wait for approval. If granted, you’ll receive an exemption certificate, which you should keep in your vehicle at all times.

Things to Remember

  • Renewal: Medical exemptions for window tints are not permanent. They typically have an expiration date, after which you’ll need to renew them. Always be aware of this date to avoid any legal complications.
  • Traveling Out of State: Remember, your exemption is specific to Minnesota. If you’re traveling to another state, their window tinting laws will apply. Always research and be aware of the rules in other states.

Window Film Certificates and Stickers In Minnesota

Window Film Certificates and Stickers In Minnesota

Minnesota’s window tinting laws are designed to strike a balance between the privacy and aesthetic preferences of vehicle owners and the safety of all road users. To ensure that all vehicles on the road adhere to the state’s tinting regulations:

  1. Verification: Stickers and certificates serve as proof that the window film installed on a vehicle meets Minnesota’s legal requirements.
  2. Ease of Inspection: For law enforcement officers, these stickers and certificates simplify the process of determining whether a vehicle’s tint is compliant during routine checks or traffic stops.

What Does the Law Say?

In Minnesota, while window film manufacturers, installers, or vendors aren’t mandated to certify the tint they offer as meeting state laws, there are specific requirements:

  1. Sticker Placement: A visible sticker must be placed between the window film and glass on the driver’s side front window. This sticker should clearly indicate the type of tint used and confirm its legality in Minnesota.
  2. Certificate Details: The certificate, typically provided by the installer or vendor, should detail the tint’s specifications, including its Visible Light Transmission (VLT) percentage. It should also mention the manufacturer’s name and the tint’s compliance with state regulations.
People Also Read:  New Hampshire Window Tinting Laws

Why is this Important for Vehicle Owners?

  1. Avoiding Penalties: Having the appropriate sticker and certificate can save you from potential fines or penalties if questioned by law enforcement.
  2. Resale Value: When selling your vehicle, having the proper documentation can assure potential buyers that the vehicle’s tint is compliant, adding to its appeal.
  3. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your vehicle’s tint adheres to state regulations gives you peace of mind every time you hit the road.

Tips for Vehicle Owners

  • Always Ask: When getting your windows tinted, always ask the installer or vendor for both the sticker and certificate. It’s your right as a consumer.
  • Keep Certificates Handy: While the sticker will be on your window, ensure you keep the certificate in your vehicle, preferably with other essential documents like your registration.
  • Check for Updates: Window tinting laws can evolve. It’s a good idea to periodically check for any changes in regulations to ensure continued compliance.

Penalties or Ticket Cost for Illegal Window Tint in Minnesota

Minnesota cop writing ticket to heavily tinted car

Before diving into the penalties, it’s essential to understand why Minnesota is so particular about window tint. The primary reason is visibility and safety. Overly dark tints can obstruct a driver’s view, especially during the state’s long, dark winters. Additionally, for law enforcement, being able to see inside a vehicle during a traffic stop is crucial for their safety.

The Cost of Non-Compliance

If you’re found to have illegal window tint in Minnesota, here’s what you might face:

  1. Initial Fines: The immediate consequence of non-compliant window tint is a ticket. While the exact amount can vary based on the county and the discretion of the ticketing officer, you can expect to pay well over a hundred dollars for a single violation.
  2. Multiple Offenses: If you don’t rectify the issue and are caught again, the fines can increase with each subsequent offense. It’s not just about paying more; multiple violations can also impact your driving record.
  3. Mandatory Removal: Along with the fine, you might be mandated to remove the illegal tint. This means additional costs for removal and potential re-tinting if you choose to do so within legal limits.
  4. Potential Insurance Implications: Repeated offenses might be flagged by your car insurance provider, leading to increased premiums or even policy cancellations in extreme cases.

Avoiding the Penalties

The best way to avoid these penalties is, of course, to ensure your vehicle’s tint complies with Minnesota’s regulations. Here are some steps to help:

  1. Know the Law: Familiarize yourself with the state’s tinting regulations. For most vehicles, the windows must allow more than 50% of light in. However, there are different rules for different types of vehicles, so be sure you’re looking at the right category.
  2. Work with Reputable Installers: When getting your windows tinted, choose a reputable installer familiar with Minnesota’s regulations. They can guide you on the best options that are both legal and meet your needs.
  3. Regular Checks: If you’ve had your vehicle for a while or have recently purchased a used car, it’s a good idea to get the tint checked to ensure it’s within legal limits.


Minnesota’s window tinting laws prioritize road safety by setting clear guidelines on tint percentages for different vehicle types. Adhering to these regulations ensures driver visibility, law enforcement safety, and avoids potential fines. Always consult local rules before tinting your vehicle to ensure compliance.

State of Minnesota Info

Minnesota, often referred to as the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” is a state that seamlessly blends natural beauty with urban sophistication. Nestled in the upper Midwest and northern regions of the United States, this state boasts a rich history, diverse culture, and a plethora of attractions. Let’s embark on a journey through Minnesota and discover what makes it so special.

Geographical Wonders

Minnesota is a haven for nature enthusiasts. With its vast forests, prairies, and, of course, lakes, it offers a diverse landscape:

  • Lakes and Waterways: While known for its 10,000 lakes, Minnesota actually has around 11,842 lakes that are 10 acres or larger. The most iconic, Lake Superior, is the largest freshwater lake by surface area in the world.
  • State Parks: With 67 state parks, there’s always a new hiking trail to explore or a scenic spot to pitch a tent.

Cultural Richness

Minnesota isn’t just about natural beauty; it’s a cultural melting pot:

  • Twin Cities: Minneapolis and Saint Paul, the state’s two largest cities, offer a vibrant arts scene, with theaters, museums, and music venues galore. The Guthrie Theater and Walker Art Center are just two examples of the state’s commitment to the arts.
  • Diverse Population: Minnesota is home to a diverse population, including a significant number of Scandinavian, German, and Hmong communities, each adding to the state’s rich cultural tapestry.

Economic Landscape

From agriculture to technology, Minnesota’s economy is both robust and diverse:

  • Agriculture: Known as the “breadbasket” of the nation, Minnesota is a leading producer of sugar beets, sweet corn, and green peas.
  • Fortune 500 Companies: The state is home to numerous Fortune 500 companies, including Target, Best Buy, and 3M.

Education and Innovation

Minnesota places a strong emphasis on education and innovation:

  • Top Universities: Institutions like the University of Minnesota are renowned for their research contributions.
  • Innovation: The state is a hub for medical advancements, with institutions like the Mayo Clinic leading the way in healthcare research and treatment.

Sports and Recreation

For sports enthusiasts, Minnesota has a lot to offer:

  • Professional Teams: Whether you’re into baseball, football, basketball, or hockey, Minnesota has a team for you, including the Twins, Vikings, Timberwolves, and Wild.
  • Outdoor Activities: From ice fishing in the winter to kayaking in the summer, there’s never a dull moment for those looking to stay active.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the penalties for excessive window tint in Minnesota?

Excessive tint is considered an equipment violation, not a moving violation. The penalty varies by county. The driver is liable if caught with excessive tint, not the business that installed it.

Can you get pulled over for tint in MN?

Yes, in Minnesota, law enforcement officers can pull you over if they suspect your vehicle’s window tint exceeds the legal limit. Excessive tint is considered an equipment violation in the state.

How much is a tint ticket in MN?

In Minnesota, having illegal window tint is a civil offense and can result in a ticket costing well over a hundred dollars. Multiple offenses can lead to increasing fines.

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