New Mexico Window Tinting Laws

Darkest legal tint for Sedans in New Mexico

  • Windshield: Only non-reflective tint is allowed, and it should be above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line or the top 5 inches.
  • Front Side Windows: The tint must allow more than 20% of light to pass through.
  • Back Side and Rear Windows: Again, the tint should permit more than 20% of light.

Darkest legal tint for SUV and Vans in New Mexico

  • Windshield: Similar to sedans, only non-reflective tint above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line or the top 5 inches is permitted.
  • Front Side Windows: The tint must allow over 20% of light.
  • Back Side and Rear Windows: Here’s where it gets a bit lenient. Any darkness of tint can be used for these windows.

New Mexico Tinting Regulations

Photo of a car parked against a scenic New Mexico backdrop
Photo of a car parked against a scenic New Mexico backdrop

First off, why does New Mexico even have tinting regulations? Well, while window tints offer numerous benefits, such as blocking harmful UV rays, reducing glare, and providing privacy, they can also pose safety risks. Overly dark tints can hinder a driver’s visibility, especially during nighttime. Moreover, they can make it challenging for law enforcement officers to see inside a vehicle, which can be a safety concern. Hence, like many other states, New Mexico has set specific guidelines to strike a balance between the benefits of tinting and safety.

Reflectivity and Color Rules

New Mexico is pretty straightforward when it comes to reflectivity. Neither sedans nor SUVs and vans are allowed to have reflective or mirrored tints on their windows.

As for colors, New Mexico has banned tints that are amber, yellow, or red. So, if you were thinking of getting that flashy red tint, you might want to reconsider!

Other Essential Regulations

  • Side Mirrors: If you’ve tinted any side or rear window, your vehicle must have dual side mirrors in working condition.
  • Certification: Ensure the tint you’re purchasing is certified as compliant with New Mexico’s regulations. Manufacturers and vendors should provide this certification.
  • Stickers: A sticker identifying the legality of the tint must be placed between the tint and the glass on every tinted window. It’s a unique regulation in New Mexico, but it helps law enforcement quickly verify the tint’s compliance.
  • Medical Exemptions: If you have a medical condition that necessitates darker window tint, New Mexico allows for exemptions. However, you’ll need documentation from a medical professional.

Penalties to Be Aware Of

Nobody likes penalties, right? In New Mexico, non-compliance with tinting regulations can result in a petty misdemeanor. This might sound minor, but it comes with a fine of up to $75. Multiple violations can quickly add up, making it crucial to ensure your vehicle’s tint meets the state’s standards.

Medical Exemptions for New Mexico Tint Laws

Photo of a car parked outside a medical facility in New Mexico
Photo of a car parked outside a medical facility in New Mexico

Before we dive into the specifics, it’s essential to understand why someone might need a medical exemption for window tinting. Some individuals have medical conditions that make them more sensitive to sunlight. Conditions like lupus, photosensitivity, melanoma, and other skin disorders can make direct sunlight not just uncomfortable but harmful. For these individuals, the standard window tinting regulations might not offer enough protection, hence the need for a darker tint.

New Mexico’s Compassionate Approach

Recognizing the genuine need for added protection for some of its residents, New Mexico allows for medical exemptions to its standard window tinting rules. This means that if you have a valid medical reason, you can get permission to have darker tints than what’s generally allowed.

How to Obtain a Medical Exemption

  1. Consultation with a Medical Professional: The first step is to consult with a medical professional about your condition. They will assess your sensitivity to sunlight and determine if a darker window tint is a necessary precaution for your health.
  2. Documentation: If your doctor agrees that you need a medical exemption, they will provide you with documentation stating the medical necessity for a darker window tint. This documentation should clearly state the reason for the exemption and the recommended tint level.
  3. Submission to Relevant Authorities: Once you have the necessary documentation, you’ll need to submit it to the appropriate New Mexico state authorities. They will review your application and, if approved, provide you with an exemption certificate.
  4. Tinting Your Vehicle: With the exemption certificate in hand, you can now get your vehicle’s windows tinted to the recommended level. Ensure you choose a reputable tinting service that’s familiar with New Mexico’s regulations and medical exemptions.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Renewal: Medical exemptions for window tinting might not be permanent. Depending on your condition and the state’s regulations, you may need to renew your exemption periodically.
  • Traveling Out of State: Remember, your medical exemption is specific to New Mexico. If you’re traveling to another state, their law enforcement might not recognize your exemption. It’s a good idea to keep your medical documentation handy when traveling.
  • Stay Updated: Regulations can change. It’s always a good idea to stay updated with New Mexico’s window tinting rules and any changes to the medical exemption process.

Window Film Certificates and Stickers In New Mexico

New Mexico, like many states, has regulations in place to ensure that window tints on vehicles don’t compromise safety. These rules dictate how dark or reflective tints can be. But how do authorities, or even everyday citizens, know that a particular tint complies with state regulations? Enter window film certificates and stickers.

Window Film Certificates: The What and Why

What is it?
A window film certificate is an official document provided by tint manufacturers and vendors. It certifies that the window film they’re selling or installing meets New Mexico’s specific regulations.

Why is it important?
Having a certificate ensures that you’re not unknowingly violating state laws when getting your windows tinted. It’s a form of assurance for both the consumer and the installer that the product is compliant.

Stickers: More Than Just a Label

What is it?
In New Mexico, vehicles with tinted windows must have a sticker placed between the tint and the glass on every tinted window. This sticker identifies the tint as being legal and compliant with state regulations.

Why is it important?
These stickers serve a dual purpose:

  1. Quick Verification: For law enforcement officers, these stickers offer a quick way to verify that a vehicle’s tint is legal. Instead of having to measure the tint’s reflectivity or darkness, they can check for the presence of this sticker.
  2. Peace of Mind for Drivers: For drivers, having this sticker means less hassle during traffic stops or vehicle inspections. It’s a clear indicator that their vehicle’s tint is up to code.
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Getting Your Certificate and Sticker

If you’re considering getting your vehicle’s windows tinted in New Mexico, here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a Reputable Tinting Service: Always opt for a reputable tinting service familiar with New Mexico’s regulations. They should be able to provide you with the necessary certificate and sticker upon installation.
  2. Ask for the Certificate: Once your tint is installed, ask the service provider for the window film certificate. Keep this document in a safe place, as it’s your proof of compliance.
  3. Check for the Sticker: Before leaving the tinting facility, ensure that the required sticker has been placed between the tint and the glass on every tinted window.
  4. Stay Informed: Regulations can change. Periodically check for any updates to New Mexico’s window tinting rules to ensure continued compliance.

Penalties or Ticket Cost for Illegal Window Tint in New Mexico

Photo of a New Mexico police officer writing a ticket next to a car
Photo of a New Mexico police officer writing a ticket next to a car

Before we jump into the penalties, it’s essential to understand why these regulations exist. Window tints, while beneficial in blocking harmful UV rays and providing privacy, can also pose safety risks. Overly dark tints can reduce a driver’s visibility, especially at night. Moreover, for law enforcement, it becomes challenging to see inside a vehicle, which can be a safety concern. Hence, New Mexico, like many states, has set specific guidelines to ensure road safety.

The Cost of Non-Compliance

So, you decided to go a shade darker than what’s allowed, thinking it’s no big deal. Well, think again!

Ticket Costs:
In New Mexico, if you’re caught with illegal window tint, you can expect a ticket that can cost up to $75. While this might not seem like a significant amount, multiple violations can quickly add up. Imagine getting pulled over multiple times in a month; that’s a dent in your wallet!

Nature of the Offense:
Illegal window tinting in New Mexico is considered a petty misdemeanor. Now, while this doesn’t carry the weight of a criminal charge or potential jail time, it’s still a mark against your driving record. And let’s be honest, no one likes getting tickets!

Avoiding the Penalties

The best way to avoid these penalties? Stay informed and compliant! Here are some steps to ensure you’re on the right side of the law:

  1. Know the Rules: Familiarize yourself with New Mexico’s specific window tinting regulations. Understand the allowed tint percentages for different vehicle types and windows.
  2. Choose a Reputable Tinting Service: Always opt for a service provider familiar with New Mexico’s regulations. They should be able to guide you on compliant tint shades.
  3. Regular Checks: If you’ve had your vehicle’s tint for a while, it might be a good idea to get it checked. Over time, tints can darken due to various factors, potentially making them non-compliant.
  4. Traveling to New Mexico: If you’re from out of state and planning to drive in New Mexico, ensure your vehicle’s tint complies with New Mexico’s regulations. Remember, each state has its own set of rules, and what’s legal in one state might not be in anoth


New Mexico’s tinting regulations might seem intricate at first glance, but they’re all about ensuring safety while allowing residents to enjoy the benefits of window tinting. Whether you’re looking to get a new tint or checking the compliance of your current one, it’s always a good idea to stay informed and updated. After all, driving with the peace of mind that you’re within the law is priceless!

State of New Mexico Info

New Mexico! Often dubbed the “Land of Enchantment,” this state is a melting pot of cultures, landscapes, and histories that beckon travelers and residents alike. From its ancient Puebloan ruins to its modern-day art scenes, New Mexico offers a unique blend of the old and the new. Let’s embark on a journey through this captivating state and uncover its many wonders.

A Brief History

New Mexico’s history is as colorful as its landscapes. Long before the Europeans arrived, the region was home to Native American tribes, including the Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache. The Spanish explorers, in search of gold and new territories, arrived in the 16th century, leaving behind a rich legacy of architecture, culture, and traditions. Fast forward to 1912, and New Mexico became the 47th state of the USA.

Diverse Landscapes

From the vast Chihuahuan Desert to the snow-capped peaks of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico’s landscapes are nothing short of breathtaking. The state boasts of unique natural wonders like the White Sands National Park, where glistening white gypsum dunes stretch as far as the eye can see. Then there’s the Carlsbad Caverns, a subterranean marvel with stunning limestone formations.

Cultural Melting Pot

New Mexico’s cultural tapestry is woven from its Native American, Spanish, and Anglo heritages. This blend is evident in everything from its architecture, like the adobe landmarks of Santa Fe, to its festivals, such as the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. And let’s not forget the cuisine! Ever tried a green chile stew or a sopapilla? If not, you’re in for a treat!

Artistic Haven

Art enthusiasts, rejoice! Cities like Santa Fe and Taos have long been hubs for artists and creatives. The state has inspired many, including the iconic artist Georgia O’Keeffe. Whether you’re strolling through the galleries of Canyon Road or visiting the Taos Pueblo, an ancient dwelling that’s also a living community, you’ll feel the artistic pulse of the state.

Economic Overview

While often celebrated for its cultural and natural assets, New Mexico is also an economic powerhouse in sectors like oil and gas, agriculture, and research. The state is home to institutions like Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, making it a hub for scientific research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there different tinting rules for SUVs and vans in New Mexico?

Yes, while the front side windows on SUVs and vans must allow more than 20% of light in, there are no specific darkness restrictions for the back side windows and rear window.

Are there any restrictions on tint colors in New Mexico?

Yes, tint colors like red, amber, and yellow are not permitted in New Mexico.

Do tint manufacturers need to certify their products in New Mexico?

Yes, manufacturers of tint film need to certify the film they sell in the state.

Do tinted vehicles require any specific modifications in New Mexico?

Vehicles with any side or rear window tinting must have dual side view mirrors in good working order.

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