Pennsylvania Window Tinting Laws

Darkest legal tint for Sedans in Pennsylvania

  • Windshield: More than 70% VLT is allowed, with any level of darkness permissible on the top 3 inches.
  • Front Side windows: Up to 70% VLT is permitted.
  • Back Side Windows & Rear Windshield: Up to 70% VLT is allowed.

Darkest legal tint for SUV and Vans in Pennsylvania

  • Windshield: More than 70% VLT, with any darkness allowed on the top 3 inches.
  • Front Side windows: Up to 70% VLT is permitted.
  • Back Side Windows & Rear Windshield: Any level of darkness is permissible, but dual side mirrors are a must.

Pennsylvania Tinting Regulations

Illustration of a close-up side view of a car
Illustration of a close-up side view of a car parked with the Pennsylvania countryside in the background.

Before we delve into the specifics, it’s essential to understand the concept of Visible Light Transmission (VLT). VLT refers to the percentage of visible light that a window tint allows to pass through. The higher the VLT percentage, the more light it lets in, and vice versa. Pennsylvania’s window tinting laws revolve around specific VLT percentages to ensure safety and visibility for drivers.

Exemptions and Special Cases

Interestingly, not all vehicles are bound by these regulations. Government vehicles, law enforcement cars, and ambulances have an exemption from these tinting laws.

Moreover, Pennsylvania offers a medical exemption for drivers who require darker tints due to specific medical conditions. Such drivers can use colorless products that filter UV rays. However, they need to get their condition certified by a physician or optometrist and then apply for the exemption.

Additional Regulations to Keep in Mind

Beyond the VLT percentages, there are other crucial regulations to be aware of:

  • Reflective Tints: Pennsylvania law prohibits the use of metallic or mirrored tints on all vehicles, ensuring that windows don’t reflect excessive light, which could be distracting or blinding to other drivers.
  • Tint Colors: The good news is that there are no specific color restrictions for window tints in Pennsylvania. However, always ensure that the chosen color doesn’t reduce visibility or safety.
  • Headlights and Taillights: While window tints are the primary focus, remember that inserting tinted or smoked tail light covers and driving on state roads or highways is prohibited in Pennsylvania.

Stay on the Right Side of the Law

While window tints offer numerous benefits, it’s crucial to stay compliant with Pennsylvania’s laws. Violating these regulations can result in a ticket costing $110. If you’re unsure about your vehicle’s tint, consult with local authorities or a reputable tint shop to ensure compliance.

Medical Exemptions for Pennsylvania Tint Laws

Photo of a car's window with a tinted
Photo of a car’s window with a tinted shade parked outside a Pennsylvania hospital or medical facility.

Certain medical conditions make individuals more sensitive to sunlight. Conditions such as lupus, photosensitivity, melanoma, and other skin disorders can make direct sunlight not just uncomfortable but potentially harmful. For these individuals, the standard window tinting regulations might not offer sufficient protection.

How Does Pennsylvania Handle Medical Exemptions?

Pennsylvania provides a pathway for drivers who require darker window tints due to specific medical conditions. The state allows these drivers to use colorless products that filter UV rays, offering more protection than standard tints.

To qualify for a medical exemption:

  1. Medical Certification: The individual must get their medical condition certified by a licensed physician or optometrist. This certification will attest to the fact that the individual requires additional protection from sunlight due to their condition.
  2. Application Process: Once certified, individuals can apply for the exemption. The Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles (PennDOT) works in conjunction with the Medical Advisory Board to review and grant these exemptions.
  3. Documentation: It’s crucial for drivers with a medical exemption to keep all relevant documentation in their vehicle. This includes the medical certification and any paperwork from PennDOT. In case of a traffic stop or inspection, this documentation will prove that the darker tint is legally allowed.

Are There Any Limitations?

While the medical exemption provides relief from standard tinting regulations, it doesn’t grant carte blanche permission for any tint. The tint must still allow for safe operation of the vehicle and should not be so dark that it impedes visibility.

Renewal and Review

Medical conditions can change over time. As such, Pennsylvania may require periodic reviews to ensure that the medical exemption is still necessary. It’s essential to stay updated with any renewal requirements and ensure that your exemption remains valid.

Window Film Certificates and Stickers In Pennsylvania

Photo of a car's side window
Photo of a car’s side window showcasing various window film certificates and stickers

Pennsylvania, like many states, has specific regulations about how dark or reflective vehicle window tints can be. These rules are in place to ensure the safety of both the vehicle’s occupants and other road users. The certificates and stickers serve as proof that a vehicle’s window tint meets the state’s requirements.

Window Film Certificates: What Are They?

A window film certificate is a document provided by the installer or manufacturer of the window tint. This certificate typically includes:

  • Details of the Manufacturer/Installer: This includes the name, address, and contact information of the entity responsible for the window tint.
  • Specifications of the Tint: This section provides details about the tint, including its Visible Light Transmission (VLT) percentage and any other relevant specifications.
  • Compliance Statement: The certificate will often include a statement confirming that the window tint complies with Pennsylvania’s regulations.

Vehicle owners should keep this certificate handy, especially when driving. In case of a traffic stop or vehicle inspection, presenting this certificate can quickly resolve any questions about the legality of the window tint.

Stickers: The Visible Proof

While the certificate is a detailed document, Pennsylvania also requires a more visible proof of compliance: a sticker. This sticker, typically placed on the driver’s side window or windshield, indicates that the vehicle’s window tint meets state regulations.

The sticker serves a dual purpose:

  1. Quick Verification: Law enforcement officers can quickly check the sticker during a traffic stop, ensuring that the vehicle’s tint is legal without needing to measure it.
  2. Proof for Inspection Stations: When vehicles undergo state inspections, the presence of the sticker can expedite the process, as inspection stations can see at a glance that the tint is compliant.

Getting Your Certificate and Sticker

When having window film installed on your vehicle in Pennsylvania, always ensure that the installer provides both a window film certificate and the necessary compliance sticker. Reputable installers will be familiar with the state’s requirements and will provide these items as part of their service.

People Also Read:  Alabama Window Tinting Laws

Penalties or Ticket Cost for Illegal Window Tint in Pennsylvania

Photo of a Pennsylvania police officer
Photo of a Pennsylvania police officer, writing a ticket next to a car with visibly dark tinted windows.

So, you’ve opted for that dark, mysterious shade for your vehicle windows, but did you check if it’s compliant with Pennsylvania’s guidelines? If not, you might be in for an unexpected expense.

In Pennsylvania, if you’re pulled over and your window tint is deemed illegal, you’re looking at a ticket cost of $110. It’s a flat fee, no negotiations, no sliding scale based on the degree of the tint. Just a straightforward, and somewhat hefty, fine.

The Cost of Non-Compliance

So, you’ve been pulled over, and the officer believes your window tint is too dark. What’s next?

In Pennsylvania, if your window tint is found to be illegal, you can be slapped with a ticket. The standard cost for violating the window tint regulations is $110.

It might seem like a steep price for a seemingly minor infraction, but the laws are in place for a reason. Overly dark or reflective tints can reduce a driver’s visibility, especially at night, and can also make it harder for law enforcement to see inside a vehicle, posing potential safety risks.

Avoiding the Fine

The best way to avoid getting ticketed for illegal window tint is, of course, to ensure your tint complies with state regulations from the get-go. Here are some steps to help you stay on the right side of the law:

  1. Know the Law: Familiarize yourself with Pennsylvania’s window tint regulations. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it can save you money.
  2. Choose a Reputable Installer: If you’re getting your windows tinted, choose a reputable installer familiar with state regulations. They should provide you with a window film certificate and the necessary compliance sticker.
  3. Regular Checks: Over time, window tints can fade or change. It’s a good idea to have them checked periodically to ensure they’re still compliant.


In conclusion, while window tinting is a fantastic way to enhance your vehicle’s look and functionality, it’s essential to be informed and compliant. Pennsylvania’s laws are in place to ensure a balance between personal preferences and safety. So, the next time you think about getting that sleek tint, remember to keep it within the legal limits!

State of Pennsylvania Info

Ah, Pennsylvania! A state rich in history, diverse in culture, and brimming with natural beauty. Often referred to as the “Keystone State” due to its central location among the original 13 colonies, Pennsylvania has played a pivotal role in the shaping of America. Let’s embark on a journey through this magnificent state and discover what makes it truly unique.

Historical Significance

Pennsylvania is a treasure trove for history buffs. The state witnessed several key events in American history:

  • Founding Moments: Philadelphia, the state’s largest city, is where the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were both signed. The Liberty Bell, an iconic symbol of American freedom, also resides here.
  • Battle of Gettysburg: This pivotal Civil War battle took place in Pennsylvania, and today, the Gettysburg National Military Park stands as a testament to those who fought there.

Diverse Landscapes

From the rolling hills of the Poconos to the bustling streets of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania offers a diverse range of landscapes:

  • Outdoor Adventures: The state boasts vast forests, scenic rivers, and beautiful state parks like Ricketts Glen and Ohiopyle, perfect for hiking, kayaking, and camping.
  • Urban Excitement: Cities like Pittsburgh, with its iconic steel bridges, and Philadelphia, with its rich arts scene, offer a mix of historical sites, modern amenities, and cultural attractions.

Cultural Melting Pot

Pennsylvania is home to a rich tapestry of cultures:

  • Amish Country: Lancaster County is renowned for its Amish communities, where life revolves around farming, family, and faith, offering a glimpse into a simpler way of life.
  • Festivals: From the scrumptious Pierogi Fest in Pittsburgh to the vibrant Philadelphia Folk Festival, there’s always a celebration happening somewhere in the state.

Economic Backbone

Pennsylvania has a robust economy, historically rooted in industries like steel, coal, and railroads. Today, it’s diversified with sectors like healthcare, finance, and technology playing significant roles.

Educational Hubs

The state is home to some of the nation’s top educational institutions:

  • Ivy League Excellence: The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia is an Ivy League institution known for its rigorous academics and vibrant student life.
  • Research and Innovation: Institutions like Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh are at the forefront of technological and scientific advancements.

Culinary Delights

Pennsylvania’s culinary scene is as diverse as its landscapes:

  • Philly Cheesesteak: This iconic sandwich, dripping with melted cheese and packed with thinly sliced steak, is a must-try in Philadelphia.
  • Pennsylvania Dutch Treats: Think shoofly pie, apple butter, and pretzels!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are government vehicles subject to the same window tinting laws in Pennsylvania?

No, vehicles belonging to the government, law enforcement, and ambulances are exempt from these tinting laws.

Are there any penalties for not complying with PA window tint laws?

Yes, if your window tint does not comply with the state laws, you can be pulled over by the police. Violating the window tint laws can result in a ticket costing $110.

Are there any restrictions on the type of tint material used in Pennsylvania?

Yes, windows cannot have metallic or mirrored tints. All reflective shades are prohibited on sedans, SUVs, trucks, and vans in Pennsylvania.

Can I tint my vehicle’s headlights and taillights in Pennsylvania?

No, you cannot insert tinted or smoked tail light covers and drive on state roads or highways. However, you can alter the shading as long as you do not intend to drive them on public roads.

How can I ensure that the tint product I purchase is compliant with Pennsylvania laws?

It’s essential to have a sticker that states the product is within Pennsylvania law. Manufacturers aren’t required to verify product certification for each state, so it’s the buyer’s responsibility to ensure compliance.

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