Wyoming Window Tinting Laws

Darkest legal tint for Sedans in Wyoming

  • Windshield: Only non-reflective tint is allowed, and that too above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line or the top 5 inches.
  • Front Side Windows: The tint must allow more than 28% of light in.
  • Back Side Windows: Again, the tint should permit more than 28% of light.
  • Rear Window: The rule remains consistent here as well; the tint must allow more than 28% of light to pass through.

Darkest legal tint for SUV and Vans in Wyoming

  • Windshield: Just like sedans, only non-reflective tint is permitted above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line or the top 5 inches.
  • Front Side Windows: The tint should allow more than 28% of light in.
  • Back Side Windows: Here’s where it gets a bit relaxed. For SUVs and vans, any darkness level is acceptable.
  • Rear Window: Similarly, any darkness can be used.

Wyoming Tinting Regulations

First things first, let’s talk about VLT. VLT stands for Visible Light Transmission, and it’s the percentage of light that a window tint film allows to pass through your car windows. In Wyoming, the VLT percentage is crucial as it determines the legality of your tint.

Reflection and Your Window Tint

Now, while the darkness of the tint is one aspect, its reflective properties are another. Reflective tints can reduce glare and heat, but there are limits to consider:

  • For Sedans and SUVs/Vans:
    • Front Side Windows: The tint must not be more than 20% reflective.
    • Back Side Windows: The reflection should not exceed 20%.

Other Essential Points to Note:

  • Side Mirrors: If any window behind the driver is tinted, dual side mirrors become a requirement in Wyoming.
  • Restricted Colors: Here’s a fun fact – you can’t have red, yellow, or amber tints on your windshield in Wyoming. However, other windows don’t have color restrictions.
  • Certificates and Stickers: Manufacturers selling tint films in Wyoming don’t need to certify their products. Additionally, vehicles don’t need a sticker to identify legal tinting.
  • Medical Exemptions: For those with specific medical conditions, Wyoming laws do permit darker tints. However, it’s always a good idea to check with local authorities about the specifics of these exemptions.

Medical Exemptions for Wyoming Tint Laws

Photo of a car with tinted windows parked outside a medical facility in Wyoming
Photo of a car with tinted windows parked outside a medical facility in Wyoming

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, it’s essential to understand why someone might need a medical exemption. Some individuals have medical conditions that make them more sensitive to sunlight or prone to skin issues. For them, the standard window tinting might not offer enough protection. Conditions might include:

  • Photosensitivity: Some people have an increased sensitivity to sunlight, which can cause skin rashes or other reactions.
  • Melanoma or Skin Cancer History: Individuals with a history of skin cancer or melanoma might need extra protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
  • Other Medical Conditions: There are other conditions where sunlight can exacerbate symptoms, and darker tints can be beneficial.

Wyoming’s Stance on Medical Exemptions

Wyoming recognizes that while window tinting laws are essential for safety, there are genuine medical reasons that necessitate exceptions. The state allows for medical exemptions that permit darker tints than what’s typically allowed.

How to Apply for a Medical Exemption in Wyoming

  1. Doctor’s Note: The first step is to get a note from your physician detailing your medical condition and the necessity for darker window tints.
  2. Application Process: With your doctor’s note in hand, approach the local DMV or relevant state department to apply for the exemption. They might have specific forms or documentation requirements.
  3. Periodic Renewal: Remember, medical exemptions might not be permanent. Depending on the state’s rules, you might need to renew the exemption periodically.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Visibility Concerns: While the state allows for medical exemptions, it’s crucial to ensure that visibility isn’t compromised. Safety first!
  • Law Enforcement: If you’ve got a medical exemption, always keep the relevant documentation in your vehicle. This way, if you’re ever stopped by law enforcement, you can provide proof of your exemption.
  • Stay Updated: Laws and regulations can change. It’s a good idea to stay updated on Wyoming’s window tinting laws and any changes to the medical exemption rules.

Window Film Certificates and Stickers In Wyoming

Window films, commonly known as tints, are applied to vehicle windows for various reasons. They can provide privacy, reduce glare from the sun, protect against UV rays, and even enhance the vehicle’s appearance. But like everything else, there are regulations and guidelines in place to ensure safety and compliance with the law.

Wyoming’s Stance on Window Films

Wyoming, like many other states, has specific regulations regarding the use of window films on vehicles. These regulations are in place to ensure that:

  1. Drivers have clear visibility.
  2. Law enforcement officers can see inside the vehicle during traffic stops for safety reasons.

Certificates and Stickers: What Are They?

If you’ve gotten your vehicle’s windows tinted in Wyoming, you might be familiar with window film certificates and stickers. But for the uninitiated:

  • Window Film Certificate: This is a document that proves your window tint complies with Wyoming’s regulations. It’s essential to keep this certificate handy, especially when you’re on the road. In case you’re stopped by a law enforcement officer, this certificate will be your proof of compliance.
  • Stickers: These are usually placed on the vehicle to indicate that the window film used complies with state regulations. It’s a quick way for law enforcement officers to verify compliance without necessarily stopping the vehicle.
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How to Get Them?

If you’re considering getting your vehicle’s windows tinted in Wyoming, ensure you:

  1. Choose a Reputable Installer: Always go for professionals who are familiar with Wyoming’s regulations on window films. They will ensure that your vehicle’s tint complies with the law and provide you with the necessary certificate and sticker.
  2. Keep the Certificate Handy: Once you receive the window film certificate, keep it in your vehicle. It’s your proof of compliance, and you might need to show it if you’re stopped by law enforcement.
  3. Check the Sticker: Ensure that the sticker indicating compliance is placed in a visible location on your vehicle. This will save you potential hassles during routine traffic stops.

Penalties or Ticket Cost for Illegal Window Tint in Wyoming

Photo of a car with dark tinted windows pulled over on a Wyoming road.
Photo of a car with dark tinted windows pulled over on a Wyoming road.

If you’re pulled over in Wyoming and found to have illegal window tint, you can expect to face some financial penalties. Here’s a breakdown of the potential costs:

  • First Warning: If it’s your first time being caught with illegal tint, you might receive a warning, urging you to fix the window tint. This is essentially a grace period, giving you a chance to rectify the situation without incurring a fine.
  • First Offense: If you haven’t heeded the warning or it’s not your first time being pulled over for this reason, you can expect a ticket. In Wyoming, the fine for the first illegal window tint ticket is $110.
  • Subsequent Offenses: If you’re pulled over again without having fixed the issue, the fines can increase. For instance, a second illegal window tint ticket can cost over $200.

The Bigger Picture

While $110 might not seem like a huge amount, it’s essential to consider the bigger picture. If you continue to drive with illegal tint, you risk being pulled over multiple times, and those fines can quickly add up. Moreover, there are other potential costs to consider:

  • Tint Removal Verification Fees: Once you’ve removed the illegal tint, you might need to pay for verification to prove that your windows now comply with state regulations.
  • Court Processing Fees: If you decide to contest the ticket or if there are additional legal proceedings, you might incur court processing fees.
  • Late Fees: If you don’t pay the ticket on time, late fees can be added to the original amount.


Wyoming window tinting laws establish specific guidelines for the darkness and reflection of window tints on vehicles. It’s essential for vehicle owners in Wyoming to adhere to these regulations to ensure safety and avoid potential legal penalties. Always consult the latest state provisions before making any modifications to your vehicle’s windows.

State of Wyoming Info

Wyoming! Often referred to as the “Cowboy State” or the “Equality State”, Wyoming is a gem in the heartland of America. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the essence of this state.

A Brief Overview

Wyoming, the 44th state to join the United States, was admitted to the Union on July 10, 1890. It’s the 10th largest state in terms of land area and shares its borders with six other states: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho. The capital city, Cheyenne, is nestled in the southeastern corner of the state.

What’s in a Name?

The name “Wyoming” is derived from a Delaware word which translates to “land of vast plains”. This is a fitting description, considering the state’s expansive natural landscapes. Interestingly, Wyoming’s population of pronghorns is almost equivalent to its human population! The state is dotted with small ranching and farming towns, mining settlements, and areas renowned for outdoor recreational activities.

A Land of Natural Wonders

Wyoming is home to the world-famous Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, attracting millions of visitors annually. The state boasts a low crime rate and minimal pollution, making it a haven for nature lovers. One of its nicknames, the “Equality State”, stems from the fact that Wyoming was the first state to approve a constitution granting women the right to vote.

Geography and Topography

The state’s landscape is dominated by the Rocky Mountains and several large basins. Wyoming’s average elevation is 6,700 feet above sea level, making it the second-highest state after Colorado. The state’s topography is diverse, with six distinct physiographic regions: the Black Hills, the Great Plains, the Southern, Middle, and Northern Rocky Mountains, and the Wyoming Basin.

A Legacy of Equality

Wyoming’s commitment to equality is evident in its history. It was the first state to grant women the right to vote, earning it the nickname “Equality State”. This progressive move showcased Wyoming’s forward-thinking approach and set a precedent for other states to follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the tinting laws different for SUVs and vans in Wyoming?

Yes, for SUVs and vans, Back Side windows and Rear Window can have any darkness of tint.

Are there any color restrictions for window tints in Wyoming?

Yes, red, yellow, or amber colors are not allowed on the windshield. There are no color restrictions for other windows.

Do film manufacturers need to certify the tint film they sell in Wyoming?

No, film manufacturers don’t need to certify the film they sell in this state.

Do vehicles in Wyoming require a sticker to identify legal tinting?

No, no sticker is required by law to identify legal tinting.

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