Kansas Window Tinting Laws

Darkest legal tint for Sedans in Kansas

  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 5 inches.
  • Front Side Windows: Must allow more than 35% of light in.
  • Back Side Windows: Must allow more than 35% of light in.
  • Rear Window: Must allow more than 35% of light in.
  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 5 inches.
  • Front Side Windows: Must allow more than 35% of light in.
  • Back Side Windows: Must allow more than 35% of light in.
  • Rear Window: Must allow more than 35% of light in.

Kansas Window Tinting Laws

Hey there, fellow drivers! Ever wondered about the ins and outs of window tinting in the Sunflower State? Well, you’re in the right place. Buckle up as we take a road trip through Kansas’ window tinting laws, helping you keep your ride cool and compliant.

Understanding the Basics

First things first, is window tinting even legal in Kansas? Yes, it is, but there are rules to follow. These regulations exist to balance your desire for privacy and style with the need for safety and visibility on the road.

The Windshield Rule

Let’s talk windshields. In Kansas, you can have non-reflective tint on the top 5 inches of your windshield. This strip can shield you from the sun’s glare without impeding your view of the road. Anything below this 5-inch mark should be free of tint.

Front and Back Side Windows

Moving on to the front side windows and back side windows, Kansas law requires them to allow more than 35% of light in. In other words, your tint can’t be too dark. This regulation is all about ensuring you have a clear line of sight and that law enforcement can see inside the vehicle for safety reasons.

The Rear Window Rule

Now, for the rear window, the same 35% rule applies. You might be tempted to tint it darker for privacy, but remember, it must still allow more than 35% of light to pass through.

Why These Rules Matter

You might be wondering, why all these rules? Well, it’s about safety. Maintaining visibility on the road is crucial for your safety and the safety of others. Plus, it ensures law enforcement can identify vehicles and drivers when needed.

Medical Exemptions for Kansas Tint Laws

Kansas, like many states, has specific regulations regarding window tint darkness. However, these rules acknowledge that one size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to health conditions. Imagine having a medical condition where exposure to sunlight can be not just uncomfortable, but downright harmful. This is where medical exemptions come into play.

Qualifying Conditions

Kansas recognizes a range of medical conditions that warrant darker window tints. Conditions like lupus, porphyria, and certain skin photosensitivities necessitate reduced exposure to sunlight. People recovering from eye surgeries or dealing with light-sensitive migraines are also on the list. These exemptions aren’t just about convenience; they are about ensuring the health and well-being of individuals.

Obtaining a Medical Exemption

Getting a medical exemption in Kansas is, fortunately, a straightforward process. If you have a qualifying medical condition, your healthcare provider can provide you with a certificate explaining your situation. This certificate acts as your pass, allowing you to have darker window tints than the standard regulations allow. It’s crucial to keep this certificate in your vehicle to show law enforcement if needed.

Why It Matters

This exception isn’t just about personal comfort; it’s about fundamental quality of life. For individuals with these medical conditions, the ability to travel without being adversely affected by sunlight is more than just a convenience – it’s a necessity. Darker window tints, in these cases, provide a lifeline, enabling them to lead a normal life without unnecessary discomfort or health risks.

Window Film Certificates and Stickers in Kansas

Ever wondered why your car tint comes with a certificate and a sticker? Well, it’s not just for show. These little pieces of paper and decals hold the secret to your compliance with Kansas’ window tint regulations. They are your tickets to stylish yet legal tinting.

The Role of Certified Installers

First off, not all tint jobs are created equal. In Kansas, certified installers are the unsung heroes of the tinting world. These professionals are trained to ensure your tint aligns with the state’s laws. When you get your windows tinted by one of these pros, you receive a certificate. This certificate is like your golden ticket; it’s the proof that your tint complies with Kansas regulations.

What’s in a Certificate?

Now, you might be wondering what this certificate contains. Well, it’s like a tinting ID card. It has crucial details, including the type of tint used and the percentage of light it allows. Keep this certificate safe in your vehicle. It’s your shield against potential run-ins with the law.

The Mighty Sticker

But wait, there’s more! Along with the certificate, you also get a sticker. This sticker, usually placed on your car’s window, serves as a visual confirmation of your tint’s legality. It’s like the state’s way of saying, “Hey, this tint is A-OK!” Having this sticker not only keeps you compliant but also saves you from potential hassle during routine checks.

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Why It All Matters

Certificates and stickers might seem like minor details, but they play a significant role. They ensure that your tint isn’t just stylish but also legal. Compliance matters because it ensures that everyone on the road can see clearly, reducing accidents and keeping our streets safer.

Penalties or Ticket Cost for Illegal Window Tint in Kansas

cop behind your car

First things first, what constitutes illegal window tint in Kansas? The state mandates that front side windows must allow more than 35% of light in. If your tint goes darker than this, you’ve crossed into illegal territory. Now, let’s talk consequences.

The Ticket Cost Dilemma

So, picture this: you’re cruising with illegal tint, and suddenly, you see those flashing lights behind you. Yes, you can get pulled over for this. The exact ticket cost varies, but it’s not a gentle tap on the wallet. Fines typically range from $100 to $200 or more, depending on the discretion of the officer and the number of windows in violation.

Fix-It Tickets: A Glimmer of Hope

In some cases, law enforcement might issue a fix-it ticket. This means you have the opportunity to correct your illegal tint within a specific timeframe, usually around 10 days. You’ll need to remove or replace the tint and have your vehicle inspected by the authorities. If you manage to do this in time, your fine might be reduced or even waived.

Insurance Implications

But wait, there’s more! Having illegal window tint can also impact your insurance premiums. Insurance companies often view non-compliance with state laws as an increased risk, which might lead to higher rates. So, those darker tints might end up costing you more than just the initial fine.


Well, folks, there you have it – the lowdown on Kansas window tinting laws. We’ve traveled the roads of regulations, explored the ins and outs of legal tints, and deciphered the consequences of going too dark.

Remember, these laws aren’t just here to cramp your style; they exist to keep our roads safe and our vision clear. So, when you’re thinking about tinting your windows, keep those percentages in mind. Stay within the legal limits, and you won’t just avoid fines and headaches – you’ll also contribute to a safer driving experience for everyone.

So, whether you’re hitting the highways or just cruising through town, let your ride shine within the lines of Kansas window tinting laws. Here’s to clear views, safe drives, and enjoying the journey while staying on the right side of the law!

Info About the State of Kansas: Small State, Big Character

Let’s take a delightful detour into the heart of the Midwest, where wheat fields stretch as far as the eye can see, and sunsets paint the sky in hues of gold and crimson. Welcome to Kansas, the small state with a big character!

The Land of Oz and Beyond

Kansas might be famous for Dorothy’s adventures in Oz, but there’s so much more to discover. From the bustling city lights of Wichita to the charming historic towns like Dodge City, this state is a tapestry of diverse landscapes and friendly faces.

Agriculture and Heartland Values

Known as the Sunflower State, Kansas wears its agricultural roots proudly. Fields of sunflowers nod in the breeze, and amber waves of grain define the horizon. But it’s not just about the crops; it’s about the hardworking people who embody the heartland values of resilience, community, and hospitality.

Educational Hub

Kansas is a state that values education. Home to renowned universities and colleges, it’s a hub for learning and innovation. Whether you’re into cutting-edge research or passionate about the arts, Kansas has a place for your curious mind to thrive.

Outdoor Paradise

For nature enthusiasts, Kansas is a hidden gem. Explore the rugged beauty of the Flint Hills, go fishing in one of its many lakes, or hike the scenic trails of the state parks. Nature here isn’t just a backdrop; it’s an invitation to adventure.

Cultural Melting Pot

Kansas might be in the heart of the country, but its cultural scene is anything but provincial. Museums, theaters, and galleries dot the cities, showcasing local talent and international exhibits. It’s a place where creativity knows no bounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get a tint exemption in Kansas?

Yes, you can get a tint exemption in Kansas under specific circumstances. Individuals with medical conditions that require limited exposure to sunlight can obtain a medical exemption for darker window tints. A medical certificate from a healthcare provider explaining the condition is typically required to qualify for this exemption.

Is window tint a misdemeanor in Kansas?

While having illegal window tint in Kansas is not categorized as a misdemeanor, it is considered a traffic violation. Violating the state’s window tinting laws can result in fines and other penalties, but it does not lead to a criminal misdemeanor charge.

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